Tuesday 23 April 2013

Not so Groovy Baby!

So i'm sat here in late April trying to recall everything i've been thinking ooh i must blog on that and then not bothering to.
So let's start with what inspired me to write this blog today.

Evil Dead (2013) (For the synopsis click on the link).
Where to begin I was excited from the get go when I heard about the latest in this long line of horror remakes. Yes i know remakes have been done to death but this one was special,
first of all the creators of the original were all deeply involved with it. Yes that's right Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell THE minds behind the original Evil Dead movie and it's two sequels.
These 3 men have been friends forever they created the original Evil Dead on virtually no money. The basement scenes were filmed in Rob's own basement and the roped in friends and family to help.
What they created was one of the greatest horror films ever. In fact you can argue that Evil Dead was one of the last true video nasties.
Gore, gore and more gore. It was even banned in this country. Do films get banned now? Do they bollocks. (Well not here anyway).

Anyway back to my yay Evil Dead remake rant.
So the original men were involved. Sam Raimi hand picked the director (a relatively unknown) and the cast were all virtually unknown (with the exception of Jane Levy Suburgatory).
And it was to have no CGI and rely on old school special effects. So obviously it ticked all my boxes.
Now I have said before i really dislike CGI i think film makers now rely far too heavily on it and it's made them lazy. Yes i said lazy. Instead of trying to create the effect they want they just get the actor to stand in front of a green screen or interact with a tennis ball on a pole. So yeah lazy.
Ray Harryhausen created some fantastic effects without the aid of a computer on his Sinbad films and Clash of the Titans etc. And to be honest i think they look better than a lot of films today.
Anyway i digress. Evil Dead.

So it was with great excitement i took my boyfriend to see Evil Dead last night. (He wanted to see it but i was more excited).
Apart from the tossers sat behind me who kept saying what was from the original and this is that to do with the original. (More on them shortly). I enjoyed it.
The acting was good David's girlfriend was a shit character, i actually forgot there was a fifth person in it at times.
The special effects were fucking awesome. There was lots of blood and gore. Their were the obvious and not so obvious nods to the original.
But it lacked something. It wasn't until I was talking to J on twitter last night via DM that i finally put my finger on it. he said that it was too serious. And you know what he was right, the original was gory and the special effects were amazing (for the budget). But everything about it was almost cheesy and camp. The close ups of Bruce's face, the scary yet funny demonic girlfriend.
The new Evil Dead will do well, in itself it is a good film, but it lacks the fun of the original.

*shakes head* come on Sam, Rob and Bruce and make Army of Darkness 2!

Okay so back to the twats behind me in the cinema.
They really pissed me off but the fella hates it when i tell people off at the cinema so i kept my gob shut. Then when when we were leaving and i was telling him about the knobs behind us talking constantly. He not only didn't notice them but said it's not my job to police the cinema. They've paid the same as us and if they want to talk during the film let them!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck! So i asked him when he went to the cinema as a child with his parents they let him talk during the film did they? To which he replied that no they didn't.
When did it become okay to go to the cinema and talk during a film. My boyfriend pointed out that it's not a library! Erm, no it's not but when i was a kid you messed about or talked at the cinema and the ushers told you off.

So what i want to know is do any of you talk during a film at the cinema? And do you think it's acceptable?
Okay rant over.
Hope you all go see Evil Dead as it's worth a watch.

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