Monday 18 February 2013

I'm sexy, i'm cute, i'm popular to boot!

What an interesting couple of weeks i've had since my last post. And by interesting i mean pretty dull!
However several things stick out in my mind. First of all i went to see Hitchcock with my friend Kelly. And I have to say it was so good.
Anthony Hopkins was amazing and very good as Hitchcock. Now i admit i haven't seen very many of Hitchcocks films and it's been a while since i watched Psycho. But i thought all the actors and actresses involved in this film about the making of Psycho were amazing. Although they were portraying famous actors of the 50's and 60's you do feel that they weren't trying to imitate them as much as play them in their own way. Let's face it at the end of the day you don't really want to see an actor/actress imitating someone else you want them to bring something of their own to the role. And i feel that's exactly what they did.
As it has been a couple of weeks since i saw the film I can't give a very indepth review. But anyone that hasn't seen it should definatly give it a watch.

I have also re-read the Shifters series by Rachel Vincent. What a brilliant set of books they are.
This was probably my 5th (at least) read through of them and they still make me laugh and cry. even though I know exactly what's going to happen and how it ends I still enjoy reading them and once again I couldn't put them down!
They follow the ups and downs of the main character Faythe Sanders and her family and friends who are all Werecats.
I'm not going to give an indepth review of them as i want you all to go out and buy them and read them. But let me just say this forget Bella from Twilight (or as i like to call it Twishite) and Sookie from True Blood and read about a character who doesn't rely on the men in her life for help!

At the weekend I completed a s1-3 rewatch of  Misfits now I admit that when the character of Nathan left I was very apprehensive about this Rudy character. I have to say on rewatching it his character has grown on me. Especially in the episode where he hears the ice cream van and goes running off like a small child. Anybody who hasn't seen this show should give it a watch. It's one of the best British shows for a fair few years and it's very funny.

Now i'm well aware that my blog seems to give quite vague reviews of things. Now while i'd love to give indepth reviews of everything I do actually have other things happening at the moment but i promise to do more indepth reviews in the future.

Lastly last night i started a rewatch of Mile High it's a Sky 1 show about Cabin Crew and after 5 episodes i'm really enjoying it. I brought the boxsets when they came out in 2004/5 and have to admit haven't watched them since! I will say more when i've watched a bit more.
That's all for this entry folks.

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