Tuesday 23 April 2013

What's This, What's This?!

Oh My God. Another blogpost straight after the last one.
Well i need to fit in some more film thoughts and Evil Dead needed one all to itself.

But before i get to anymore films i MUST mention the fact that i went to see Space again in early March.
The first gig was in Sheffield and the second was at Birmingham.
Both gigs were EPIC. I've been a fan of Space since i was 15 (so since 1995). The Spiders album was the first album i brought on cd. And until 2011 I had never seen them live. (I will not explain why again as I know it's well known now). Anyway so i was giddy with excitement when they reformed and had a reunion gig in Liverpool.
So when they announced more gigs obviously i jumped at the chance.
So the first gig in Sheffield was awesome. Got hugs off Tommy and Phil a signed setlist and Tommy made up a story about me punching him in the bollocks! (Never happened).
But the next gig at Birmingham was even more amazing cos after the gig i got to hang out with the band. To hang out and have a beer with a band that i have been a fan of for *cough* 18 years *cough*. Was awesome. They were all so nice and i managed to chat with everyone before the venue started moaning cos the staff wanted to go home. Thankfully because I have chatted to all of them before on twitter and facebook. I was able to not go all fangirl. But honestly they are not only the most amazing band ever. (Do not question me), but you also couldn't find nicer people.
I know it sounds so boring. I should be saying how we had an amazing after party and got steaming drunk and passed out in our own vomit. (Maybe we did, who can say)!

Anyway i had an amazing night.
Now onto the films Tommy recommended.
The first was Q (1982) which i managed to get hold of and i have yet to watch. Mainly cos i have got to watch it with the fella and we haven't had a lot of time to watch films with the 90 million tv shows we watch at the min. But i will be watching it before i see Space again so i can tell Tommy what i thought.
The other was Mad Monster Party? a film from the late 60's featuring the voice of Boris Karloff.
And i loved it. Now i know some of you are probably wondering what i'm talking about and i urge you to check it out. Unless you're a normal person who doesn't like anything quirky or different then it's probably not the film for you.
I tried to watch it on my computer but the sound glitched so i actually brought it after only seeing 10 minutes. And i literally had a smile on my face from start to finish. I can see where Tommy drew his inspiration from as well as Tim Burton.
I want to go on and on about my opinion of it. But i don't want to ruin it for people who's interest i have sparked.
Let's just say it's amazing and needs to be seen.

I also made it to the cinema to see Oz The great and Powerful whilst i liked it. Story was good actors were good. Nods to the original good. Why oh why was there so much fucking CGI?! The 1939(ish) original didn't rely on CGI (obviously having been made in the late 30's) but to me. The land of Oz looked better in that version than the CGI'd creation of Sam Raimi's.
There were so many elements i loved in the film especially the way it started in black and white 4.3 aspect ratio and mono sound. Then when you get to Oz it becomes colour and the 7.1 (or whatever they've named it now) sound kicks in and it expands to 16.9 aspect ratio. Loved it. But the over use of CGI really pissed me off!
Also the people talking in the cinema pissed me off.

I also managed to see Finding Nemo 3D which i never saw at the cinema originally so i had to see it in 3D. My only complaint about that was it wasn't 3D enough but other than that it's a good film. *Just keep swimming*. Again i was forced to tell people off in the cinema for messing about.

I also saw Jack the Giant Slayer which i decided looked crap. But i really enjoyed. if you've seen the 1950's version it's virtually the same but with CGI instead of old school animation. But it was well acted and the special effects were good so i can definaly recommend it.
Again i had to tell someone off in the cinema.
On this occassion a dad was explaining everything that was happening to his son who i'm sorry if he doesn't understand the film he shouldn't be watching it! And i had to tell them ssh. (I didn't swear as it was a child). After my 2nd sshing the dad turned to me and ssh'd me. So not only is he teaching his child it's okay to talk in the cinema he's also teaching him to be a twat!
Okay i'm all blogged out now. I may blog again soon as i still have more to say but my fingers are sore now!

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