Tuesday 5 February 2013

That'll put Marzipan in your pie plate... Bingo!!!

Well, well, well. February... How did that happen. Just over a week and it'll be Valentines day. Time has flown by.
Hmm, what have i been doing that is of any interest to you? Not a lot basically. Been busy attempting to be a grown up and look for a new place to live. I have a permanent headache!

But, other than that I have of course found time to start watching The Following and I have to say so far so good.
It stars Kevin Bacon (who i love anyway) as an ex FBI agent who tracked down a serial killer and put him behind bars. Sounds kind of crime of the week doesn't it? Well it's not.
The killer may be behind bars but his crimes don't end there shall we say. And so I don't spoil it for you we'll leave it at that.
If you haven't checked it out you SO need to.

I've also started watching Spartacus War of the Damned The final season of the Spartacus story.
As always lots of sex and lots of blood. The opening episode was good and i can't wait to see how this season pans out. I can't say a lot about the episode overall really other than it's brilliant. And you should watch.
I could write a really indepth review of the ep but I hate people spoiling things for me so I won't. And it's easy enough to find spoilers if you're so inclined.

I have also recently read Kim Harrison's latest Hollows story Ever After as always Ms Harrison did not disappoint. You can almost feel the series drawing to it's conclusion but every book so far has been unputdownable.
I remember when I first discovered the series back in 2004. I had a leaflet for a book club called The SF and Fantasy book club. And Dead Witch Walking was one of the books in the introductory offer of 5 books for £1. I can't tell you what the other 4 books were because they were read and then donated but that one book made me a fan of Kim Harrison. It's got a kick ass witch in it. Excellent storytelling and it always leaves you wanting more.
Again I don't want to give spoilers as I hate to do that. But if you haven't tried the Hollows series you most definatly should. Forget Twishite and Sookie Stackhouse trash. This is what you should be reading. Witches, Demons, Vampires, Pixies it has the lot and characters that you really feel for.
So if you haven't checked the books out, what are you waiting for. You're online, there's a link to the first one above. Go buy it.

I said GO!

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