Wednesday 10 September 2014

Ride or Die, Remember!

So I posted a random tweet Monday night about the fact that I would like to do a podcast about the Fast and Furious franchise. (View Video Montage/6 trailer here). This led to me chatting to Not-JohnStamos (Follow here). and DrNeevil (Follow here) about movie's we'd all like to podcast about. 

We all came up with films we'd love to podcast about J's was Big Trouble in Little China (View Trailer Here)
DrN's was Labyrinth (View Trailer here)
And besides Fast and Furious I suggested Cry Baby (View Trailer here)

This is a film I have a long standing obsession with. To the point that now I can watch it and say/sing it word for word!  I'm sure everybody has a movie like that.  However this chat then led me to thinking of other movie's I'd like to podcast.

Here are 10 of the films I'd like to cast about. (Click the titles for the trailers).

  • Nightmare Before Xmas although I would also like to tie that in with some of Tim Burton's other movies.
  • Cry Baby (see above).
  • Little Women although I've linked to the 1949 trailer here (it's my favourite version), I'd like to do a chat about all 3 and discuss the different actresses who have played the key roles.
  • Fast and Furious franchise (of course). This is a film series I absolutely love and have watched over and over again. (Except for Tokyo Drift, hate it)!
  • The Muppet Christmas Carol this and Nightmare Before Christmas are my favourite Xmas movies. However I also like some of the other versions of Christmas Carol and would like to tie it in with other incarnations of the Charles Dickens classic.
  • Repo! The Genetic Opera. I remember the first time I watched this film sitting mouth open wondering what the hell I'd let myself in for.  Then as soon as it finished I watched it again. Love this film. A modern Rocky Horror.
  • Romy and Michele such a good feel good movie.
  • Bring It On Love this film, although admittedly I only brought it cos Eliza Dushku was in it!
  • Ghostbusters I would like to discuss this with Ghostbusters 2 (not a fan favourite I know but I love it). I would also like to tie it in with the Ghostbusters game (which as far as I'm concerned is the 3rd movie).
  • Grease 2 admittedly not a lot of people like this film preferring Grease. I actually like this one better. (Ducks).
Now that's ones I'd like to cast about. But I would also be happy to jump in on any other cast peeps are doing. I just love discussing films.

Now I just need to learn how to do a podcast.

*Rushes off to check out google*.

Bye for now xxx

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