Monday 7 January 2013

Am I the good slayer now?!

Welcome gentle viewers.
Did we all enjoy the Remember Cindy tweetview.
Have to say although it was brought about by an incredibly sad event I really enjoyed the tweetview.
It helped me to realise just how much Cindy was loved and how much she will be missed.
The fact that so many people took part is amazing, I know that not everybody watched the episodes we chose (Thankyou Not_JohnStamos for letting us know Cindy's fave's). I do know that everybody watched something Whedony or Xenay (yes that's a word now) or just something they know Cindy liked.
There was such an out pouring of love from so many people even Eliza Dushku joined in by re-tweeting some of our tweets and tweeting her own Cindy memory. That alone i'm sure would've made Cindy very happy.
And i think Cindy would've enjoyed our memorial to her, and i'm sure she'd have found it hilarious that i got put in twitter prison for tweeting too much!
On the whole the episodes we watched were awesome, but i'm sorry Narna your choice of Xena episode was SO bad! I know why you liked it but you do know if you'd have been watching that with us we would have mocked you. (In a good way of course).
Again thank you to everyone who joined in with Remember Cindy it meant a lot to me that so many people cared and I know it would've meant a lot to Cindy.

On Saturday night there was mention of doing the Remember Cindy event annually, her birthday has been suggested as a good time. So if anybody would be up for that let me know and I will keep you informed in future posts.

In other news my boyfriend is off to see The Hobbit tonight after I told him he NEEDS to see it. He really wanted to see the HFR 3D version but as it doesn't start till 8 and he has to get up early tomorrow they're just seeing the 2D version.
Will give you his verdict and what I thought tomorrow.
That's all for now, back to courier waiting.

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