Tuesday 22 January 2013

These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try.

Well as you may or may not have guessed from the title I have seen The Hobbit.
I have seen it twice now both times in the new HFR 3D (Higher Film Rate 3D) and both times I was impressed.
Obv. more so the first time I saw it.
But since seeing it I have to say it does really seem to be a Marmite sort of film. You either love it or hate it.
There are purists who have read the book saying they've changed too much, added too much etc. But I've read the book and I think it's quite accurate. Not the most accurate book to film adaption I might add but yes there are 1 or 2 extra bits. Having never read the Unfinished tales I can't say whether or not any of the extra scenes are written by Tolkien himself. I do know Jackson has made some bits up as the book had characters going off and doing other things in the book and whatever they go off and do is only hinted at. So he has taken some creative license.
There are of course always going to be people who have nothing but complaints about a film. I read one womans blog and she complained mainly about the length of the film!
I'm sorry but when you look at cinema times the length of the film is usually listed right next to film times. So if you don't want to sit through a long film, don't go to the frickin cinema!!
She also complained about the scenes with Radagast in saying she didn't feel they drove the plot forward and were unnecessary. Not every scene in a film is needed to drive the plot forward sometimes a scene is just there to entertain. She argued that the film should have been shorter and Jackson should have done an extended cut for the dvd.
Now for those of you that have seen Jackson in interviews or read interviews you will know he makes his films for a cinema audience. He doesn't want people sat at home watching them on the small screen, that it takes something away from the magic of the movie. And do you know what, you really can tell. The panoramic views in the movie and the detail is fantastic. And come on lets be honest why wouldn't you go to the cinema to see a film like this?! It makes the most of the sound system and the detail on a bigger screen is amazing.
And add to that a brand new (in this country at least) form of 3D. A higher film rate so it is  more true to what the human eye sees. Why wouldn't you jump at the chance to see it?
Again you have people moaning about 3D, and all I can say to them is if you think 3D is rubbish then you clearly haven't seen a good 3D film. What people don't bother finding out before a cinema visit is that some films are filmed in 3D and some are converted. And on the whole it is those that were converted to 3D that have made people anti-3D. Obv. some people hate the glasses (mainly glasses wearers). Then there are those films that were filmed in 3D but nothing is coming out the screen at you so there is no point in bothering seeing it in 3D.
Previously to seeing The Hobbit the best 3D cinema experience i had was seeing Kylie in her Aphrodite tour at the cinema. That was so good you actually thought people were standing up at the front. With The Hobbit this was repeated things came out the screen at you but not in a shock value way trees came out the screen, smoke trickled out the screen.
It was amazing. My boyfriend also saw the film in 3D but he saw it in standard 3D and whilst impressed didn't understand why I was so blown away by it. But he did enjoy the film.

So that's my Hobbit rant over. Now let me tell you about two other films I have seen recently.
The first was Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D.
This is a sequel to the 1974 classic so it followed directly on from the end of that film. Which was good. Now i'm not going to give away plot details, that would be mean. Let me just say
1. It is SO cheesy.
2. It has a clever twist, and
3. It is NOT 3D enough.
But other than that I enjoyed it.

The other film I saw was Les Miserables. I was blown away, again i'm not going to say too much about it as that would be mean. But i loved it very surprised at Russel Crowe's singing ability. He always reminds me of Oliver Reed for some reason. (And for those of you who-ing at that name IMDB him).
Anne Hathaway has a brilliant voice, and i did cry.
Definatly recommend people going to see it.

Well that is all for this post. I've waffled on long enough. More soon.

Monday 7 January 2013

Am I the good slayer now?!

Welcome gentle viewers.
Did we all enjoy the Remember Cindy tweetview.
Have to say although it was brought about by an incredibly sad event I really enjoyed the tweetview.
It helped me to realise just how much Cindy was loved and how much she will be missed.
The fact that so many people took part is amazing, I know that not everybody watched the episodes we chose (Thankyou Not_JohnStamos for letting us know Cindy's fave's). I do know that everybody watched something Whedony or Xenay (yes that's a word now) or just something they know Cindy liked.
There was such an out pouring of love from so many people even Eliza Dushku joined in by re-tweeting some of our tweets and tweeting her own Cindy memory. That alone i'm sure would've made Cindy very happy.
And i think Cindy would've enjoyed our memorial to her, and i'm sure she'd have found it hilarious that i got put in twitter prison for tweeting too much!
On the whole the episodes we watched were awesome, but i'm sorry Narna your choice of Xena episode was SO bad! I know why you liked it but you do know if you'd have been watching that with us we would have mocked you. (In a good way of course).
Again thank you to everyone who joined in with Remember Cindy it meant a lot to me that so many people cared and I know it would've meant a lot to Cindy.

On Saturday night there was mention of doing the Remember Cindy event annually, her birthday has been suggested as a good time. So if anybody would be up for that let me know and I will keep you informed in future posts.

In other news my boyfriend is off to see The Hobbit tonight after I told him he NEEDS to see it. He really wanted to see the HFR 3D version but as it doesn't start till 8 and he has to get up early tomorrow they're just seeing the 2D version.
Will give you his verdict and what I thought tomorrow.
That's all for now, back to courier waiting.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR (and then Kiss)!

Happy new year to all my readers.
The post's title if from a film, but what film?!
No prizes for guessing just a sense of achievement!

Right onto business, at the weekend Friday 4th, Saturday the 5th and Sunday the 6th.
We are going to hold our #RememberCindy viewings.
Now as I am trying to include everybody in the viewings I have been struggling to pick a time to do the viewings.
Obviously being on UK time myself I don't want it to be so late UK tweeps will be in bed, or so early that US tweeps will be at work or busy.
So after much thought I have decided that we will hold one viewing on Friday night at 10pm UK time.
Then the other episodes on Saturday night. As i know a lot of shows are starting back in the US on Sunday after the Xmas break and it's All new Lost Girl for the Canadian tweeps (Head in hands and cries cos I have to wait).
Anyway I thought we'd start at 9pm UK time on Saturday (if that's okay for everyone)?

So the episodes are:

Friday 10pm (UK time):
  • Xena; One Against an Army (s3),
Saturday from 9pm (UK time):
  • Angel; Five by Five (s1),
  • Buffy; Dirty Girls (s7),
  • Dollhouse; Epitaph 2, (s2),
  • Lost Girl; Original Skin, (s2).
Now i'm well aware that some people will not be able to start at the times i've given. So if you want us to start later tweet me or tweet under the #RememberCindy and I will try to make it so we can all join in with as much of it as possible.
Or if you just want to join in with the shows you like. We will have a 10 minute break between each show so that people can have a fag (cigarette), cup of tea/coffee (other beverages are available), or pop to the loo.
Or of course you can start at whatever time you want, just as long as you watch those episodes in that order and tweet about it.
The idea is for as many of Cindy's followers as humanly possible to watch these episodes at the same time. As an face to face gathering is impossible we are having a virtual gathering.

So happy viewing Gentle Viewers. #RememberCindy xxx