Sunday 30 December 2012

Remembering Cindy (My Narna).

Hi all,
Sorry for the LONG delay, but I am shite at updating my blog.
I am really going to try in 2013 promise.
I felt that I should wrap up 2012 with a final entry.

This entry is dedicated to Cindy Mealer who lost her battle with Cancer on 24th December this year.
The world lost a truly amazing woman.

(Photo taken from Cindy's facebook with Eliza Dushku).
I am proud to have been able to call her my friend.
I first got to know Cindy in 2008 in a Buffy group on Facebook. We got chatting about our shared love of Faith and it went on from there. We chatted in the group for a week or two and then she sent me a friend request.

I accepted and the chatting continued, pretty much every day, i used to love my daily chats. If I was getting up early and she was still online i'd actually IM her for a little while before work/uni.
We'd tell each other about our days, Cindy used to make me laugh with tales about some of her customers.
I remember when I told her I had named my laptop Faith she thought that was brilliant and ended up naming her computer Echo. (All the cool toys need names).
If i'd been cooking i used to tell Cindy what i'd cooked and always used to make her hungry.
One day she said something silly and I called her a Narna.
The next day I got a message asking what narna meant. I had to explain that it was a term some Brits use when something is silly or daft. (Also short for banana). From then on in we called each other narna all the time.
Cindy was always making me laugh and even though they never spoke she'd always say Hi to my boyfriend Dave and ask how he was.
After a while Cindy found her way onto twitter. She soon found her feet (with some help) and was encouraging me to use my twitter account! I was very anti-twitter did not like it at all, but she kept saying how good it was so eventually i relented. (And soon became addicted).
Our chats continued only now other people could join in.
Thanks to Cindy and our tweets I made some good friends on twitter. We all used to chat about shows we were watching, films we'd seen etc.
Now I have been asked how I can be friends with people I have never met. Well the answer to that is quite easily!
Anybody remember penfriends? Weren't they people you would write to and sometimes be writing to them for years and never meet?

Well this is the modern equivalent. (Although I have now met some of my tweeps and they were very nice).

Everyone I have spoken to who met or spoke to Cindy liked her. Even her favourite Buffy actress Eliza Dushku fell under Cindy's spell. They met a few times and Eliza even followed Cindy on twitter and tweeted her.
She even called her while she was sick which I know meant a lot to her.
Cindy did seem to cast a spell over everyone with her amazingness (yes it's a word now). Which is why she will be so greatly missed our #TwitterAngel

Since Cindy passed away all of her friends have been saying how we need to do something to pay tribute to her. Several things were decided (that I know of).
The first one is to donate to one of her charities.
Thrive-Gulu which is a charity Eliza Dushku and her Mum set up.
Thrive Gulu
The other is the Carroll Centre a centre for the blind or visually impaired.

The second way is organised by AmyWhedonite (follow here).
Where at the stroke of midnight New Years eve in every time zone you can release balloons (colours decided were Red, White and Yellow, but you can choose colours personal to you as well).
With messages for Cindy on them.

The third and (possibly) final way is organised by myself and Drneevil (follow here).
We decided to watch 5 of Cindy's favourite shows. This will take place over the first weekend in January (4th, 5th and 6th) 2013.
Shows and episodes are:
  • Xena; One Against an Army (from season 3).
  • Angel; Five by Five (from season 1).
  • Buffy; Dirty Girls (from season 7).
  • Dollhouse; Epitaph 2 (from season 2) and finally
  • Lost Girl; Original Skin (from season 2).
Whilst watching these episodes we will also be tweeting under #RememberCindy

If anyone wants more details tweet me, leave a comment or tweet under the above hashtag.

This ones for you Cindy, the best narna in the world. I will love and miss you always xxxx

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Argh, Argh, My Brains Exploding!!!!!

Okay I know for our first book we decided upon Much Ado About Nothing. But man it's such a hard read! Maybe not for some people, but i last read Shakespeare in 1994 and I struggled with that. But I thought older, more patience, it'll be fine. Wrong!!!
I have made it to the second page but only because somebody read me the first page, I kept reading it and it was not sinking in.

I NEED to get reading as we are discussing it this Sunday but I think my contribution will be sitting in the corner and dribbling!

Now I said I would find a list of Whedon related books for our book club but I haven't. I have been distracted by my new arrivals. Two little Guinea Pigs who i've named Tegan and Peri (and if you've seen my twitter you'll know I am a bit obsessed with them). But I will try and get some research done this week.
For now people that is all.

Monday 30 April 2012

Welcome Gentle Viewers.

Okay, so here's what you need to know about this blog. It was created after a long twitter conversation regarding books, and starting a twitter book club.
It was decided we should focus on the genius of Joss Whedon and his shows and films. So all the books will have either been mentioned in his shows and films or will tie in with them.
The name was thought of by LeedsBookClub (find her on twitter).
If you are unfamiliar with Joss Whedon doesn't matter we will teach you about his genius and enrol you into the Whedonites.
We have decided under the hashtag #WFTBC to have general book discussions as well as assign books to read.
The first book we will be reading is Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare (see separate entry for more on this book). And we will be discussing it under the above hashtag on May 20th. So if you would like to join in... get reading!